Ladies and Gents..Boys and Girls..Real Niggas and Bitches(whether you're a chick or a dude..a chick can be a Real Nigga and a dude can be a Bitch) I decided I want to speak..about..Me, Music and Money! I don't know if anyone can tell but by listenin to my music..I don't do it 4 da money. See wit me, dis music shit has neva been about da money..and dat ironically enuff is probably why I'll get money:-) Da bible says don't chase money, it's da root of ALL EVIL! It also says how hard it is for a rich man 2 get 2'll fit a camel thru da eye of a needle before a rich man gets 2 Heaven...It also says who's last in life will be 1st in Heaven! With all that bein considered...I DON'T THINK..CORRECTION..I KNO I'M NOT WRONG, STUPID, IMMATURE or SMALL MINDED 4 NOT CHASIN DA MONEY!!!!! Da game is crazy right now...Everybody jockin somebody's style, ridin somebody's dick 2 get rich. Everybody has some ignorant ass philosophy on what type of music an artist should be makin, or what image they should portray or better personal favorite..what they should rap about and who they should represent..da streets or da other guys, whoeva they are? Me personally, I DON'T SEE WHY DA FUCK ANYONE OTHER THAN DAT PARTICULAR ARTIST SHOULD CARE!?!?!? Dat's his music..let him do what he do! I'll speak from past conversations 2 validate my point..Me..4 instance, don't talk about trappin, guns and killin, club hoppin and bitches. I've seen and been a part of all dese things at 1 point or another but dat's not who I am. Yet, I have niggas tryin to tell me who I am or what I should be! Real Talk I make music..da music don't make me..neither does da money..are you seein how everything adds up..artist-money=broke artist, broke artist-integrity-passion-originality-individual character-heart=a rapper..(rappin is rhymin, bein able to rhyme ain't shit! Dr. Seuss rhymed) now.. if we have a rapper+a dream+a movie/tv role model(like Scarface 4 instance) +ignorance+ some dumb ass nigga in his ear tellin him what's hot and what's not+da radio stations playin dat weak shit they play on da regular! add dat to da hunger 4 money and divide dat by 2(his conscience and his ambitions)...and you should get da next hot rapper!!! Already industry made and ready 2 sell(lol)...Dese niggas are funny 2 me! Look, dis is what it is wit me..I do dis 4 My People, I do dis 4 myself, I do dis 4 my unborn seed 2 come, my mama, other people's parents, ALLLL da way down to my 4 yr. old niece! So I'll be damned if a nigga try 2 convince me dat I'm lame or I'm doing something wrong cuz I don't make music 4 da hood or whateva other fanbase niggas be frontin 4! I make music 4 everybody! But I'm not in da hood! Da niggas in da hood want 2 leave da hood so why every song gotta remind them about da shit they tryin 2 get away from? Most of all, I make music about life, from every aspect! So kno dat it's SOOOO much more 2 life than sellin drugs, killin, bein hard or tryin 2 be, fuckin hoes and comin up wit da next new dance wit da Dumbest name possible! Da game is over saturated wit niggas doin dat type shit. Also, I'm me! If I choose 2 not talk about be it! Leave me da fuck alone and let me do me..hell I was who I am befo I started rappin so now dat I rap I gotta change 2 get in da game...Nah..I'm good:-)...I'm an artist, always have been always will be. 2 me, it's jus 1 of dem things where you gotta be like..2 each his own..cuz truth be told there's no right or wrong way long as you're doin you! Sink or Fly I'm doin me! and Me and my 2 fans is cool wit dat! We appreciate da part dat I play and what I got 2 say! My main problem musically is my location! If I wasn't in da south..nevertheless Albany,Ga I think I'll feel more accepted and have a better opportunity wit dis music shit. Truth is..most da niggas in Albany bitin da "A" (Atlanta 4 da slow folks) and da A got da game right now so you either dancin or trappin dese days..and if you ain't, you ain't hot! Funny thing is...I can do what all dese niggas doin betta than dem but I guarantee you they couldn't even breathe on my level! It's easy 2 say nuthin..or 2 say a lil in lament's hard 2 say ALOT in a lil bit of time tho, especially when you're creative wit it. Wit me's easy as long as I do it from da heart..when I try 2 "think" of a's not as easy or as gr8 and I'm neva proud of what I've done. But when I feel's almost like I blackout...1 moment da track is playin and I'm vibin wit a blank sheet of moment I got a whole song or a verse written and perfected! 4 me, it's so much easier when I let GOD do it:-) Unfortunately..I haven't written anything in months!!! I'm jus jaded and I'm tryin 2 decide what direction I wanna take my music! I got another album called FREE which is da newest shit 2 work on. My nigga Rocaspot(da producer dat made da trak 4 "Dead Presidents") is gonna produce da whole album!!! Da concept is kinda based off da subject of dis blog. Da album is jus about bein Free..duh:-) Free from evil, free from peer pressure, free from stress, free from da love of money, free 2 make whateva kind of music I want 2, freedom to love, live and most 2 be I am 4 betta or worse! Denyin ALL boundaries made by da world's criteria of what to do, how to do it and what and who we should be. As a matter of fact, I'ma make a song wit da same title as dis blog.."Da Caged Bird" pretty much based off why the caged bird sings concept...Anyway, 2 all da rappers...FIND YA'SELF..OR GET LOST!!!!! 2 ALL DA ARTIST...REAL ARTIST...I APPRECIATE CHA CONTRIBUTION 2 MUSIC!!!! I'm pretty sure ya'll feel like me but don't let da need 4 money fool you into thinkin if you don't make a certain type of song or have a certain image dat you won't make none. Learn 2 be content and realize dat everything good, ain't good 4 ya and keep in mind what I said about da bible at da beginnin of dis blog..IT'S TRUE!!! A DIRECT QUOTE DAMN NEAR!!! Far as I go, it's cool if you make trap music..I happen 2 like T.I...if you a killer..dat's cool too...whateva you do you cuz when it's all set and done...DAT'S DA ONLY WAY 2 TRULY BE DIFFERENT!! I don't want nor try 2 be different..I jus AM!!! And it's only cuz I'm be who I was always meant 2 be...da only person I eva wanted to be...Me.
Monte Carlo B.K.A. __________ (Fill N' Da Blank)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
It's Cool 2 Be U...
In dis day and time when people are pressured into trying to be something or someone their not, jus to fit in....I Dare ALL of you (including myself)...2 be yourselves! Dare 2 differ, Don't Beg 4 Shit! Dat's my motto dis yr.. Wit dat said I wanna ask dis...Why try to be something or someone when you can be "YOU" effortlessly!!! I'm fightin for a world in which we can ALL mentally, spiritually, emotionally and Self-Esteemly (If dat's a word..LOL) evolve and become a people made up of individuals! Not as in being a person, but bein yourself, your own person, making who we are the trend til the end! Women, I kno you have to understand where I'm coming from moreso than Men becuz in dis day and time you're told you're not good enough or you're not pretty enough ALOT!!! Like you can't model if you're not tall and skinny or look a certain way or you should feel bad if you're not da size some may feel you should be or most importantly...You need to look like the Dr.'d up, man made chicks on t.v. dat in ALL honesty wish they were able to unwind and jus be themselves and not have to put on makeup to check the mail!,,,or buy breasts to be accepted or get role in a video or movie. Ultimately, I see us ALL as a whole suffering from tryin to meet the industry's standards as far as what name brand we should wear, what hairstyle is "In", what kind of car we should drive and mainly the false beliefs that the money we make makes us, along with the purchases we're worshippin, depending on these things to validate who "WE" are and "OUR" status and value! Honestly, it'll be sooo much easier living this already hard, complicated life w/o these kind of frivilous, materialistic worries! Imagine dressin, wearin what you like...and not bein judged or lame for it if it happens to be out of the norm! Imagine a life wit no trends or a world wit no shallow standards and criteria's we pointlessly have to meet to! I think the time's now, in the age of aquarius...for everybody to wakeup and start a nu trend where..ALL we have to be is ourselves..take it or leave it! But I can't do it alone...No one can...ALL of us, Each and every one of us will have to fight against the media's perception of what we should be and dare to be different...Dare to be yourselves! Da movement starts now, walk 2 da sound of your own beatin heart...what do you have to lose?...It's Cool to be "U"
True Religion....& not da brand name
Dis may offend some or make others feel differently about me but I feel dis is necessary regardless of how ppl may feel...Ignorance is da most harmful yet powerful weapon in our mental, emotional & spiritual battles. I say dis becuz Knowledge is power but b4 1 obtains knowledge..there's only ignorance. Very few actually gain significant knowledge...true knowledge. I say dat 2 say dis...When it comes 2 religion...WE ARE ALL IGNORANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In dis case tho, it's not necessarily a bad thing depending on what u believe in...Even those who believe in nothin or do believe in scientology or even atheist may not neccesarily be "wrong" 4 their beliefs becuz once again...WE ARE ALL IGNORANT!!!!! I'm neither a scientologist or an atheist..I grew up on christian beliefs but will neva be a "christian" cuz I don't believe in religion. Upon my research over time I've seen far too many names for God & Jesus which 2 me means....somewhere in time ppl started adding their own lil twist 2 da bible...maybe even created their own. Even da commandments are different in certain bibles for certain religions. I say dat 2 say dis...There was 1 set of rules 4 us 2 follow in da beginning and now there's countless religions due to ppl not conforming 2 da rules set in the beginning. I believe in God...dat's what I call him...I believe in Jesus & his sacrifice for our sins...some believe differently...but without facts & evidence of the truth it's pointless 2 debate over our different views. Far as I go...I feel it's betta 2 die believin a lie about God, Jesus, da commandments etc. than 2 die not believin & find out too late dat there is a God & there is a Jesus....feel me? Honestly...I was sittin down thinkin bout ALL of dis yrs ago & it hit me....In my bible...Faith in God & Jesus along with treating ppl how u want 2 be treated are da 2 greatest commandments (not saying da others don't have 2 be followed) so I asked myself...what is faith? According to da Merriam-Webster definition it is a"firm belief in something for which there is no proof"..So if faith in God & Jesus is da key 2 heaven cuz without faith you are without hope & acceptance in heaven...Then wouldn't it make sense as of 2 why we haven't seen Jesus with our own eyes? Why we don't know if what we see in da bible is real or what really happened? If we knew for a fact God was real then how could we have faith? Feel me? Everything is a test of our faith & dat is a test so many of us fail becuz as humans...seeing is well as it should be...for humans...but when it comes 2 God & Jesus...I place ALL my faith in them becuz I understand da test...I understand why I'll neva know in dis life if it's all real!...2 test my Faith!!!!! My point in ALL dis is....God, Jehovah whateva u wanna call him along with Jesus..Yahweh etc. is ALL DAT MATTERS!!!! FUCK WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE!!!!! FUCK WHAT ETHNICITY HE WAS!!!! 2 ME DAT'S PPL TRYIN 2 MAKE THERE GROUP SPECIAL...AND BY GROUP I MEAN RACE...DAT'S IGNORANT...NO! DAT'S STUPID CUZ WHAT DOES DAT HAVE 2 DO WIT ANYTHING!?!?!? I HATE SEEIN PICTURES OR HEARING CONVERSATIONS BOUT JESUS'S APPEARANCE!!! WHY DOES IT MATTER? IT DOESN'T..CUZ IT DOESN'T CHANGE WHETHER OR NOT HE'S REAL!!!!! So in conclusion, tho I haven't said half of what I could've & should've 4 da sake of not making dis too long...I wanna say...Find out what's worth placing your faith in....and be confident dat you won't pay 4 it in da next life...if u believe in a "next life". I choose 2 put my faith in God & Jesus! Who or what do you believe in? Also....Dis is slightly off subject but I think ppl need 2 know dat nowhere in any bible I've seen does it say "We were put here 2 get money" or "stack bread"! I don't even recall seeing anything dat says "we were put here 2 have a good time & party"! We are ALL here on a mission jus as Jesus was...Yes, God wants us to enjoy life...but don't turn your back on him & his word 2 do so. I sin so I can't & ain't throwin no stones...but make sure you sin thru weakness...thru your humanity...not jus cuz u can. If u can stop ya'self from doin it....DON'T DO IT!!!! PUT GOD 1ST!!!!!!!
Understand dese are merely my thoughts & feelins...there is some facts within the text but even dat hasn't been proven cuz da source came from what I've read in da bible..several bibles. So b4 I'm stoned & judged 4 my beliefs understand dat dese are my beliefs....THEY HAVE NOTHIN 2 DO WIT YOURS!!!!!!!
Understand dese are merely my thoughts & feelins...there is some facts within the text but even dat hasn't been proven cuz da source came from what I've read in da bible..several bibles. So b4 I'm stoned & judged 4 my beliefs understand dat dese are my beliefs....THEY HAVE NOTHIN 2 DO WIT YOURS!!!!!!!
Love Don't Love Nobody...& Life can't Live 4 Anyone
Life is simple...Life is good....if u feel otherwise...consider yourself & the ppl aroun u 2 be da blame. Life is gonna be life as long as we live. So many times I hear ppl say "it's a cold world" or a "dog eat dog world"...2 be real...Check ya temperature & change ya diet if u feel dat way...feel me? Often times we play victims 2 crimes we commit lament terms...IF U FEEL SOMETHIN IS WRONG...CHANGE IT!...EVEN IF IT'S ONLY WITHIN URSELF...IF U CAN'T BEAT EM..DON'T JOIN EM...THEN WE ALL LOSE!!! FEEL ME?
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